[Mini Album] TaeSaBiAe - I'll Sing This Song To You

by HULKPOP , at 8:06 AM

태사비애(TaeSaBiAe) - 당신께 이노래를 불러 드릴께요
Release Date: 2011.01.28
Genre: Ballad
Bitrate: MP3-320K

01. 당신께 이노래를 불러 드릴께요
02. 결혼전에 꼭 해야할 5가지
03. 두근두근 콩닥콩닥 (Rap C-Boi)
04. 사랑해 저 빛처럼 꺼지지 않게 (With 드림걸스)
05. 첫사랑 (With 드림걸스)
06. 어느 영화에서처럼… (With 드림걸스)
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[Mini Album] TaeSaBiAe - I'll Sing This Song To You
[Mini Album] TaeSaBiAe - I'll Sing This Song To You - written by HULKPOP , published at 8:06 AM, categorized as Mini Album , Taesabiae
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